Which court standard did someone follow or break in your article? i dont really know, i guess the kid was violated in the first, the right of speach.
Do you agree with the decisions in your article? i do not agree, if there is a dispute or an arguement it dose not need to be seen by everyone and it is rediculous that kids act the way they do.
What do you feel should have been done in this instance? well the right thing was done, and the kid appologised and the kid is back in school and everything is back to normal.
What do you feel will be the future of rights in today's digital age? i think it all falls into the common sence of kids my age and younger. if kids are going to be stupid about how they vent and how they express themselvs then yeah we might need to spend tons more money on stupid laws.
What rights do you have inside of school? learn, speek with a good vocabulary, school is a privlage so i dont use bad language when teachers are presant. it is not good to use bad language and i have no reason to do it, nor argue with people why i should be able to sware, i just want to do what i am here for then go home.
What rights do you have outside of school? more rights outside of school. i am 18 and there are things that i can buy, but dont like tobaco, and othere things. but i do hunt and i can buy my own amo, and hunt.
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